Good Evening Bloggers,
Long time no blog. I am extremely sorry for the loss of time with you my viewers. I have been dealing with my husband medical issues over the past year or so. Please forgive me for my time away Here is a brief update on my life and thoughts. I have spent a lot of time with my husband in and out of the hospital with my husband for different procedures that he has had to have due to his diabetes. Needless to say I have come across many patients throughout our stays in the hospital who do not necessarily know the right forms of questions to ask the medical Doctors that are treating their loved ones. So today I come to you my readers looking for some input on where I would like to go next with this blog.
What would you say if there were a non profit organization that would walk along side with you?While you are either a patient or while your loved one is in the hospital that would help you ask the right questions. So that you would be able to make an educated decision in regards to medicines and so forth?
I am not quiet sure how to make this happen or if it is even possible. Please pray for me as i start this new venture.
As Always Let the Day Have a Great and Blessed You!!
Melinda De Bartolo (Muncy)