Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Our Journey with My Dad's Stage 4 Non-Small Cell Lung Caner

Hi to all my readers,

So yesterday was the day we had been waiting for. We went to the Oncologist to find out what form of treatment my Dad can have for his type of Lung Cancer. Today we had a little bit of light in the midst of all the darkness that we have been walking thru in this scary thing we call Lung Cancer. Ok so let me first start out by saying with non-small cell lung cancer you have the ability to have various types of treatment not just the plain ole chemotherapy that traditionally has been used to battle these invaders. Of course if you have a good Oncologist they will give you all the different types of treatments that you could potentially have even before you ask them. For my Dads non-small cell lung cancer we were told that they would check for genetic mutations and then something called PDL-1 sensitivity. Later in my discussion I will try to clarify what each of those are in the easiest terms possible but for now I will just say that both can be done in the Oncologists office as a simple blood test. It does however take 7 days for them to get the results back. I know for us this was the longest 7 days to wait because it will determine if that person has a genetic mutation that is causing the cancer. Which means a simple pill can help you fight the cancer. Now by all means it is still up to your body how well this drug does work but does give a ray of light amidst what seems to be a very dark place.

Now if the test for the Genetic mutation comes back negative. In that I mean there is no genetic mutation that is causing the cancer. The Oncologist stated that is when they check to see how sensitive the cancer is to the PDL-1. PDL-1 is short for Programmed death-ligand 1. Below is a link on PDL-1 to better help you understand. However, If you have any question please feel free to message me.

So back to our journey remember I told you that there was some light in this dark tunnel we call Lung Cancer. Well my Dad's cancer did show a sensitivity for PDL-1. Which means he is a great candidate for something called IMMUNOTHERAPY. Instead of the usual Chemo he has been cleared to Partake in this form of treatment. (Which we have been told has less side affects than that of Chemo and is not as hard on the body. This type of therapy is used to make it to where your bodies natural immune system is used to fight the Cancer. Below are some links to with some more reading for this type of treatment. I hope this helps.

Ok, My readers I have an appointment to go to. In the mean time please feel free to send me comment, questions or just let me know that this blog helps. Unless I hear from you all I don't know how to help. It is still my mission to educate those so that they can make the most informed and educated decisions for their health care.



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